Company Overview
For more than a decade, Mail2World has been providing businesses and individuals around the globe with affordable, private-label messaging services. With the richest feature set in the industry; advanced AJAX functionality; anywhere/anytime, synchronized access via Webmail, mobile email, desktop email and SMS text messaging―Mail2World stands at the forefront of today’s hosted messaging technologies.
Mail2World’s Messaging Hosting Platform™ offers unlimited scalability and complete customization on a platform designed and architected to handle tens of millions of mailboxes. A multilingual interface and instant text translation enable communication across international borders, and powerful spam and virus protection helps keep mailboxes free of unwanted clutter.
About Mail2World
Mail2World designs, delivers and supports a technology-leading, award-winning suite of carrier-class, Web-based messaging and collaboration services. Architected and developed to handle tens of millions of mailboxes, Mail2World’s Messaging Hosting & Collaboration Platform addresses the growing need for advanced, ultra-reliable and cost-effective email and collaboration in global enterprises, small and medium-sized businesses, education, membership organizations and large-scale service providers.
Our company’s growing list of customers includes prominent organizations from around the world, such as publicly-traded corporations, leading academic institutions and some of the largest and most-recognized service providers.
For more information, call 1.888.448.6665.