Mail2World Professional Services include a team of highly skilled consultants (i.e., operations engineers, system architects, mail migration and data conversion experts, software engineers, graphic designers and Web developers) who work closely with customers to customize and deploy Mail2World's fully hosted business email solutions.
Mail2World has experience working with a broad range of customers, including service providers, corporations, and educational institutions. Whether architecting a large-scale deployment, migrating users from an existing email platform or adding custom functionality, Mail2World Professional Services help customers meet their business email objectives and increase the value of their technology investments.
Email Migration Services
- Smooth, seamless email migration that's nearly invisible to end users can be completed in a matter of days.
- Experienced consultants who help organizations design the right migration strategy to suit each individual business model.
- Proven email migration tools designed for speed and reliability.
Customization Services
- Flexibility in adding custom branding, graphics, color schemes, interface skins, help files, hyperlinks or terminology based on individual customer or market requirements.
For more information about Mail2World Professional Services,
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