Mail2World Email Platform Architecture
Organizations worldwide rely on Mail2World’s Hosted Email Platform for their email connectivity and services. Designed to handle hundreds of millions of email transactions per day, Mail2World outpaces their competitors by offering carrier-class, feature-rich messaging solutions that are highly-scalable and seamlessly integrate into an organization's existing environment.
Mail2World’s flexible architecture is modular, fully-customizable, and built upon a well-established, redundant infrastructure in highly-secure tier 4 data centers:
- Rich, interactive features with extensive user personalization
- Designed and engineered specifically for high-volume service providers and their consumer residential/ mobile and business customers
- REST and http APIs to enable full customization and integration into existing broadband or cloud service packages
- Advanced technology, using industry-standard Web technologies (AJAX, HTML5, CSS3, Web 2.0, ASP.NET 2.0, RSS/ATOM, iCal)
- Carrier-grade architecture that delivers industry-leading reliability (99.995 percent guarantee) in accordance with strict, contractual service level agreements (SLAs)
- Large number of third-party privacy and security certifications including EU Safe Harbor Privacy Seal
- SMSC Gateway integration for seamless communication and flexibility
- Recognized leader in our industry with proven expertise for large scale migration and integration projects
- Comprehensive Administrative Controls and extensive library of reports
Our highly- skilled system architects and software engineers use structured design methodologies, object-oriented development techniques and exhaustive quality assurance testing to ensure reliability and performance.
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