
business email hosting, email services provider, small business email providers

If you are a fixed line or mobile carrier or operate a social network, hosting service or search engine with high levels of traffic, your private-label email interface offers an advertising platform that can provide your organization with additional revenue, increase customer loyalty and generate recurring traffic.


Benefit Highlights

  • Each time users login to their email account, they generate recurring traffic to your site.
  • Banners and sponsored taglines provide a marketing tool for displaying partner promotions, member discounts and targeted advertising that offers your users access to top-brand products and services. 
  • Promote your own products and services by including house ads in the banner ad rotation.
  • Ad-sponsored email can cover the low monthly fee for your Mail2World email service, plus a profit for your organization.
  • Earn more revenue from value-added services, such as premium upgrade packages and Email-to-SMS Text Messaging.


Webmail Ad Types

  • 468x60 / 728x90 Banners
  • 160x600 / 120x600 Skyscrapers
  • Chitika Ad Network Support
  • Interstitial
  • Context-relevant Text Links
  • Custom


Ad Formats

  • Traditional graphic ads
  • Rich-media ads (Flash, video, etc.)
  • Text ads



For more information about Mail2World solutions, please email

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Why Mail2World?
